,In the Shape of Things to Come‘

kuratiert von Sonia Leimer

18.01 - 02.02.2013

    Kathryn Andrews & Christian Mayer, Clegg & Guttmann, Marina Faust,
    Alice Könitz & Stephanie Taylor, Yves Mettler, Saskia Te Nicklin
    Christoph Weber

    Ve.Schheft Nr.12

    (li.) copyright Marina Faust ,Untitled (Backstage Martin Margiela)‘, 1995; (re.) Ausstellungsansicht

    Christoph Weber ,not yet titled’, 2012
    Beton, 40x60x20 cm

    (enlarge: click image)

    1&2.) Saskia Te Nicklin ,I OBJECT‘, 2010/2012
    Mixed Media, 117x200x70cm

    „The wall was once a common Ikea cupboard homing my parents basement. It used to embrace old clothes, textiles and impulse purchased shoes. Memories as well. The cupboard, once bought as a simple and happy logical solution to store away the stuff, was now an eyesore cupboard. It took too much space and it stored too much stuff, of every kind.
    My mother once decorated the cupboard, perhaps to try to make it more attractive or homey. It never seemed to work, but rather made it more a of charming stranger or just mis-en-place, which it certainly was.
    I have made a wall out of the cupboard. The content has been dealt with or thrown away. The former cupboard, now a wall, is now fragile and turned inside out, revealing its empty content. It bends over, waving, almost seeming to break at the middle and it uses crotches to keep it standing. The white stripes of board perhaps resembles the embalmment of an ancient mummy. Its been freed of its original presumed usage, and transformed into an old patient. The picture is of me, taken by me, posing an Egyptian pose. I find this pose interesting, because it twists your body into a 2dimensionality. Certainly the whole image is 2d, but I think with the position within, it is an attempt to completely flatten with the image, and not pretend to be something or somewhere else.“

    3.) Yves Mettler ,Now it’s too late’, 2012, Bitumen, Trichter, Becher, Live Internet Stream
    4.) Alice Koenitz & Stephanie Taylor ,A Leash for Fritz & Kale for Stray Bunny’, 2012, Mixed Media, Sound (7 min)

    Clegg & Guttmann ,Elementary forms of collective action
    The All for One Toast Station’, 2007
    5 Sockel MDF 100x20x20cm, Stahlseile, Gläser mit Wein gefüllt, Leuchte