«Nino Stelzl (15.12.) ,Exited Delirium‘
«Hélène van Duijne (22.12.) ,Call:1562′
«,Uff Uff‘ (Editions Mego), 05. 01; Film: Herwig Weiser, 16mm, 5:27min, 2011
Musik: Philipp Quehenberger
,Death Bird‘, 2011, scrap wood, found hardware, hose, fan blade, motor, electronic components, soap dispenser, rubber tubing, window blind strings, crepe paper, ribbon, cat litter, plaster, paint, titanium dioxide, c. 230x150x100 cm
(enlarge: click image)
For beauty three things are required. First, then, integrity or perfection: those things which are broken are bad for this very reason.
And also a due proportion or harmony. And again clarity: whence those things which have a shining color are calle beautiful.
St. Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologiae, I, q. 39, a. 8.,
qoted by Jacques Maritain in Art et Scolastique,
Paris, 1927, page 250
By beauty of shapes I do not mean, as most people would suppose, the beauty of living figures or of pictures, but, to make my point clear,
I mean straight lines and circles, and shapes, plane or solid, made from them by lathe, ruler and square.
These are not, like other things, beautiful relatively, but always and absolutely.
Plato: Philebus 51e
1.&2.) exhibiton views, 3.) ,Jersey Shore‘, 2010, mirror, wood, metallic foil, plexiglass, cling wrap, fluorescent lights, hardware, c. 120x200x60 cm
4.) ,Truck‘, 2007, miniature truck, LEDs, audio components, c. 200x40x25 cm
Overview of cut and scrape, and how to treat it in a natural way
Cut and scrape: The Dissection Diaries I. (essentially, for the strong-hearted… not recommended for pregnant women and patients
For its determination recourse must be had to the technical meanings of the words „cut“ and „scrape,“ between which, in…nomenclature,
is a wide distinction…to collaborate with the whole creation; to cut and scrape and carve and embellish it‘s innate potential
to live again as a sculptured – abstract Work of Art! … cut, and scrape the surface to get a nice structure that will look like earth when
painted … I then sand, carve, cut and scrape to reveal the archeology of the painting and layer oil pastel, text, symbols and cold wax to
create depth and composition…with a ball point pen on the socket for a guide and then used an exacto knife to cut and scrape away
the… splinters or shards that might have broken off. … Gently tap the knife with the mallet to slice through the hard tissue. Always
cut and scrape away from yourself to avoid injury. … Working on the left side, use the knife to carefully cut and scrape the flesh away.
… You won‘t get all of it or even most of it, but cut and scrape out what you can. I typically start with a utility knife and cut all the
squeezed out blobs…into your ceramic resonator and the power jack. I use a jeweler‘s file to cut and scrape off the traces…then chop
the flesh into rough chunks. … Cut and scrape in a direction away from yourself. The sawed bone under the skull cap is also sharp and
can cut you. You want to…Cut and scrape off as much flesh as possible. Place skull in pot with Sal Soda and water. Make sure skull is
completely submerged. Bring the…Tools used to cut and scrape. People are burying their dead. Ritual is an important part of life. Th is
is a stone age…or an older adult,…An Unwelcome Guest. … Other hints of human…Ritual cannibalism could cautiously be inferred if
the bones display evidence of defleshing through cut and scrape…, a 3-piece punk rock band from Northern California. … For another
recipe to celebrate National Cupcake Day… See the slideshow below for how to cut and scrape a
I know, strange conversation topic for a six year old, but it all started when he was constantly freaking out over every little cut and
scrape. … All it takes are tiny incisions through which cameras and instruments are inserted and then manipulated to cut and scrape.
Right now…Fat, soft, meatbag is hardening, ripening to golden brown in the sun, the pain of every cut and scrape and bruising a baptism
of life, a willingness to bleed for it,…pages like pinpricks with words that cut and scrape a young girl‘s private existence.
Everyone knows not to mess with a bride in the months before her wedding. Recently…every naked climbing story I‘ve heard is accompanied
by lighthearted laughter. Like the friend…in the Engine Room, the Shop or anywhere where cut and scrape protection is a
requirement while still having good tactile feel. … a college nurse to visit…for every cut and scrape…The smooth bottom…smooth bottom
for pressure rubbing…Stainless Steel body…ball coupler…Silent Splendor, Worth every bruise, cut, and scrape. To get there I was
crawling face-down in mud for almost as long as I spent shooting. …African Lovegrass. … Hold the tail firmly, then cut and scrape. …
Rinse thighs and pat dry. Lay skin side down. With a short, sharp knife held against bone, cut and scrape. … With the right accessory
fitted to your machine you‘ll be able to…Disarticulate the lower jaw so that you can work better, and- clean it. Remove the tongue and
eyes. … If this was seventh heaven, you don‘t ever want to see hell. Within an armpit of a building inappropriately called a garden,…
she‘d cut and scrape the meat off the bone, grind the leftover ham with pickles, and add mayo to make ham salad to spread on bread.
Then she‘d…Cut and scrape away the meat and tissue from between the bones….sideways with the knife to remove a long, rope-like
piece of boneless meat. … Picking pickling cucumbers is apparently a dangerous business…, her tits would probably cut and scrape
them up pretty badly…breasts all over…on warm platter…The men cut and scrape their faces every morning before going on with their
daily routines. The people fill shrines in their households with magical potions and…cut and scrape away any blemishes. while leaving
as much skin on as possible… Large Ears Cut and scrape… His face and body were covered in a patchwork of bruises of all different
colours from purple to yellow to brown, with the odd cut and scrape thrown in.
Cut and Scrape
1973 New York
Selected Exhibitons
2011 Meat Off The Bone Ve.Sch, Vienna AT
Cut And Scrape. Galerie Amer Abbas, Vienna AT
2010 Tenda Gial la Factory Jedinstvo, Zagreb HR
Originalfunktional Wiener Art Foundation, Vienna AT*
Psychonavigation EEG, Leipzig DE
Viennabiennale Künstlerhaus , Vienna AT
Lebt und arbeitet in Wien III KUNSTHALLE Wien, Vienna AT
Underwater Towner Contemporary Art Museum, East Sussex UK
2009 Closer Fenster C, Vienna AT
Ouchromic Reducer Galerie Amer Abbas, Vienna AT
2008 Podzamkniętymi powiekami / With Eyes Shut Czarna Galeria, Warsaw PL**
2007 Franz West – Souffle, eine Massenausstellung Kunstraum Innsbruck, Innsbruck AT**
Hidden Track Galerie Meyer Kainer, Vienna AT**
Tension; Sex; Despair – Aber hallo / na und Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna AT**
2006 s
2007 Frieze Art Fair Galerie Meyer Kainer , London UK**
2006 +Rosebud ( Idea ociété des nations facticeetscindée en e lle-même C IRCUIT, Lausanne CH**
Otherl) Vol . 6, R. Herms, Ed . **
*George Rei ** Gardner Woods
«Archiv 2012
,Feelings‘, 2011, clay, plexiglass, scrap wood, found hardware, audio components, c. 130x30x30 cm